Gear list added!

I’ve added a new page on the bar at the top outlining some of our choices and reasoning behind them… more to come in the near future! It’s partly the result of hours of pouring joyously and nerdily over any info  we could get our hands on and party just a stab in the dark as not only is it all subjective but we have no way of field testing duration.  Kit that works in testing and on short hikes may not hold out to the more outlandish weather and terrain conditions ahead! Time will tell, but i feel we’re getting off on the right track with the vast majority of it. H.

Flights booked…

The departure date is set for the 5th March 2014!  Estimated first day on the trail is the 10th after we’ve had time to make our first supply stop and found our way to the trail head!!  3 and a half weeks to go…

Springer Mountain here we come!!!