Days 1-5: Springer to Blood mountain

White Blaze #1

Dearest everyone! Since last we spoke there have been some great advances northward! After the flight cancellation had somewhat hampered our start date we finished the slightly unfashionable and brutally hard 8 mile approach trail on Sunday afternoon and made our first camp atop Springer mountain at the start of the AT. Most hikers opt to avoid the approach due to its not actually counting toward the trail itself in terms of mileage and the more than 600 stairs that factor in the 2,000 ft climb over its 8.8 miles. 

The following morning we awoke to high winds but a solid forecast and broke camp eager to hit the AT proper. In weather more reminiscent of high summer we wound our way through stunning tunnels of trees, hopped across rocks and felt lost somewhere between Jurassic park and Swiss Family Robinson.  Out of our natural surrounds but with the great trail at our feet, our supplies and our shelter on our backs, crystal clear mountain stream water in abundance every couple of miles. Bliss! This was the first day of all first days, a stunning introduction and an eye opener for what’s to come!

Over the last 3 days we have passed some incredible places, climbed several mountains, met some amazing people and joined the travelling circus that is the procession of tents from camp to camp along the trail. We’ve stayed in Gooch Gap (where the legendary Miss Janet arrived with beer and tacos at 8pm for our first ‘trail magic’), at Lance Creek, on Hawk Mountain and tonight in Blood Mountain Cabins after hitting Neels gap for our first resupply on food after some 31.7 miles of seriously exciting and rugged terrain with views to match.

Food shop #1

Above was our first effort at trail food shopping in Dahlonega, we’ve already reigned it in a bit after struggling with the weight of our packs for the first couple of days. The weighing scales put my bag at 41lbs and Fran’s at 37lbs just before the approach trail making those stairs even more punishing.

Our greatest feat to this point has been the ascent of Blood Mountain this morning. The weather, which had been so unseasonally hot earlier in the week turned first to heavy rain on Wednesday then to crushing sub zero temperatures last night.  A camp fire with our newfound trail buddies was our last line of defence against a blizzard of snow which finally drove us to our tents at around 9pm then set upon us over night.

Waking up in a tent and voluntarily chipping away at a 2200 mile tally is one thing.  Waking up at -4 and having to pack your kit and tent with frozen didgets and then climb to 4,500ft in the howling wind is another, but thankfully it was absolutely amazing!  Large sections of stone replace the more usual woodland trail which itself had been frozen shut over night making it very hard for the tips of our hiking poles to offer much purchase.  We arrived at the summit to a perfect calm, our wind burnt faces and tired legs rewarded with the most stunning views thus far.

Yes, blood!

We arrived within the same window as our new Thru-hiker crew and got the chance to pose with Springer mountain some 30 miles behind us in the distance. From left to right we have Fresh, Will, Harry (me), Misty (Fran) and Thin Mint. Big shout also to Machette, James and Rhythm (not pictured).Some trail names are yet to be decided but I nominated Fran’s after she arrived to our first rainshower in a massive blue poncho with Maid of The Mist written on it which she acquired from Niagara Falls many moons ago!

We made the rocky and intricate descent of Blood Mountain safely and await our onward journey 12 miles north to Low Gap Shelter in the morning!

Bear hugs xx

Arrived at Hiker Hostel in Georgia!

Hiker Hostel bedroom

Dearest everyone! After an amazing stay in Jersey City and then a not so amazing journey southward including a cancelled flight we have just awoken to a stunningly crisp and sunny morning in the woods! Due to our late arrival it became untenable to supply and hit the trail today so we are staying another night in Dahlonega. It was hard to watch the others set out into such a beautiful day but we know it is the right thing to supply properly and recover from the travel. Walmart for one is half a day’s work in itself! So, after a breakfast of cinnamon French toast, grits, eggs with hot sauce, excellent coffee and orange juice we are now swaying on rocking chairs on the wooden porch watching the sun break through the bare tree across the endless rolling hills. The sound of hand sawing and the occasional chicken squawk floating on the light breeze completes a blissful scene.


So, no walking today but for all the right reasons. Off to navigate the monolithic WalMart at 12pm, better grab the compass…


But before then, chess match #1.

Gear list added!

I’ve added a new page on the bar at the top outlining some of our choices and reasoning behind them… more to come in the near future! It’s partly the result of hours of pouring joyously and nerdily over any info  we could get our hands on and party just a stab in the dark as not only is it all subjective but we have no way of field testing duration.  Kit that works in testing and on short hikes may not hold out to the more outlandish weather and terrain conditions ahead! Time will tell, but i feel we’re getting off on the right track with the vast majority of it. H.

Flights booked…

The departure date is set for the 5th March 2014!  Estimated first day on the trail is the 10th after we’ve had time to make our first supply stop and found our way to the trail head!!  3 and a half weeks to go…

Springer Mountain here we come!!!